With the launch of the recent Open Electricity Market, prices for electricity have become competitive. With the small dip in prices, interested parties for solar have been wondering if it is a good choice going solar.
The answer is: It is always a good time to go solar!
Non OEM solar users have an average ROI period of 6 years while OEM users have an average ROI period of 9 years. However, you should not get caught up entirely on just the ROI timeframe!
Let us address a few common concerns people have on savings with solar.
This is you without solar and still buying electricity from SP Group. (SP electricity rates)
This is you when you purchase electricity from an OEM vendor. (OEM vendor prices)
This is you when you adopt solar.
This is you when you adopt solar while purchasing electricity from an OEM vendor.
By producing your own energy, you immediately save on what you spend monthly on that amount of energy. Coupled on top of that, any remaining amount of electricity you consume is subject to a price saving (dependent on the vendor) via the Open Energy Market!
In short, producing your own energy still lets you save big on your electricity bills!